everyday/ faithful

on 26th September 2010, in conjunction with Love Through Music campaign at FCC, I perform a special medley that covers Faith Music's Everyday and my own song Faithful.

Anyway, a bit of the background of this campaign. The idea of the campaign was to use our own album to bless someone..as I have type on the FCC website :- "Music is a gift from God. and just like any gift we have, we should use it to be a channel of blessing to others"

Of course, another reason is to show our support to own our talents. So yes, FM albums, my album, other FCC/diocese related albums were on sale.

By the way, FM performed during services and in certain occasion we have them performing at lobby. Other special we had in the weekend was we première the 2nd music video and me performing the only English track from the FM album in some services which you can hear it on this link.

Was fun overall and hopely we have more specials like these.

Anyway, click that link and hope you enjoy that recording. Will have do another take of it soon.. so stay tuned :)


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